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Objectives of the game:
During the game participants can:
- Prepare financial forecasts and make financial decisions based of these forecasts.
- Develop effective financial strategy
- Read and understand financial reports
- Evaluate strategic decisions influence to the company financial indicators.
- Understand how working capital is changing during sales grows.
- Calculate break even point
- Evaluate borrowed recourses influence to the company profit
Profits for the company:
- To create mutual understanding between the staff about financial decisions importance.
- To coordinate the actions of different department to receive optimal result.
- To increase the quality of decisions based on financial and market analysis.
- To improve employees cooperation with accounting and financial departments.
- To develop understanding company financial processes essence.
Game format:
This game is a computer business simulation. Basic financial knowledge is needed to partake in the game. Short lecture with description of basic financial term can take place before the game, if needed. The participants in the teams lead production companies and create trade relationship with their partners-competitors. The partakers “live” 5 months in their companies trying to achieve better financial result, simultaneously compete and cooperate with other teams in constantly changing market conditions. During the game, participants exercise operative financial forecasting to optimize borrowed funds.
Practical game provides to the participants necessary skills, due to imitating market environment algorithm. All knowledge participants received in the business and during their financial education, fully useful in the game.
Content of the program:
Game participants produce proceedings and finished products, trying to achieve maximum profitability. They should purchase raw materials and proceedings in virtual market and from other teams and to sell produced products. Financing of the business is performed by the loan. The loan amounts should be calculated carefully to achieve optimal financial results. In the end of each “month” partakers receive set of financial and analytic reports. The decisions for next month are based on these reports. The team that will have maximum cash at the end of the game will be the winner.
Decisions which should be made during the simulation:
- How much to produce proceedings and finished products?
- How to agree with other teams about mutually beneficial proceedings prices?
- What politic to use with competitors, constructive or destructive?
- How to calculate loan?
- What strategy to us if borrowed funds expensive?
Questions, will answered during the game.
- How to calculate cost of the products?
- Which prices to sell and to buy?
- For what purpose company need forecasting balance sheet?
- How to read P&L statement and cash flow report?
- How to use financial indicators to adjust production and financial strategies?
- How external factors influence to the market prices?
This program designed for:
Top and middle company management, wish to try a role of top financial manager and to see financial effects of managerial decisions.
10 academic hour
Recommended number of participants:
Recommended number of participants – from 9 till 30, combined to 3 teams.